Monday, January 24, 2011

Lowcountry Sunset, SC

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My latest painting, Lowcountry Sunset, SC is my version of the fabulous view of the Toogoodoo Creek and marsh across the way from where I live. The sun changes, then the water colors change, the birds fly and the marsh glows in the late afternoon sun. This version was created from the colors that magically appear in the late afternoons during late fall! I painted this scene with a limited palette of Cobalt Blue, Permanent Rose, Hansa Yellow, Hookers Green and Quinacridone Burnt Orange and on Arches 140lb watercolor paper.
Here is a photo though this does NOT do the actual view justice! But it is one of my inspirations for Lowcountry Sunset, SC.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Studio 151 Fine Arts Gallery

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Studio 151 Fine Art Gallery
151 East Bay St
Charleston SC

Come by and see the new set up with some new and great art.
Here is my new wall!
Gallery hours are 11-5 Monday through Saturday