Monday, February 27, 2012

French Quarter Art Walk

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French Quarter Art Walk
Studio 151/Shelby Lee Gallery
175 Church St
Charleston, SC
Friday, March 2, 2012
5- 8 PM

 Start your French Quarter Art Walk at Studio 151/ Shelby Lee Art Gallery, where you can enjoy fabulous art, wine and snacks! Enjoy this cool March evening as we invite spring into our midst and stroll through the French Quarter on cobbled streets and gas lit alleyways.  As you leisurely stroll the galleries, you will discover the works of hundreds of artists with an array of styles.

We are conveniently located just south of Market St on Church St which makes this gallery a perfect starting and stopping point for the art walk. Be sure to stop by and say hello to our talented artists, which will be on hand to chat with you.

As a special treat, we will have Ken Burger in the gallery on art walk night! Come by and chat with him about his new book,  "Baptized in Sweet Tea" which is a collection of Ken's Columns celebrating the south.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Old White Tractor to exhibit at Barnwell County Museum

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The yearlong SC State Museum traveling exhibit which  began 
at City Gallery, Charleston SC on Nov 5, 2011 to be at
Barnwell County Museum
March 1 – March 31
Barnwell County Museum9426 Marlboro Ave.
Barnwell, South Carolina

Monday, February 6, 2012

Approaching Storm

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Approaching Storm
oil on canvas panel

The heavy dark clouds in the distance cast a gray essence over the water and trees. 
The coastal views are just as beautiful when the skies are blue and clear or brightly colored sunsets or even with an .... approaching storm.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Extraordinary Arts Exhibit

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The Charleston Artist Guild sponsors the Extraordinary Art Exhibit annually for lowcountry area special needs students. This year it will be at the Gaillard Auditorium on Feb. 1st to 4th 2012. We have over 100 entries from many schools. It is a highlight of the art program for the children to exhibit their artwork in public and possibly win a prize. Every entrant will receive a gift certificate for art supplies. After a reception of donuts and soft drinks, we have a local art judge present the ribbons. Steve Jacobs is there playing his key board, and all the families are invited to join the festivities. It is truly a wonderful outreach event for the students & families AND for our members as well!
Be sure to come out and support these wonderful kids and view their masterpieces!
The artist reception will be on Sat, Feb 4th from 1-2 PM.