Spring has definitely sprung here! The azaleas are amazing this year. Seems that our January snow was like a fertilizer for them.
I think the man in my tree must be Old Man Winter as he is trying to shush spring away with wintery like weather. The azaleas don't listen to him though.
Spring at Roxbury Park in Megget. The park is off of Hwy 174 and at the very end of the Toogoodoo Creek.
Roxbury Park in Bloom, Toogoodoo 365 Series March 18.
Swinton Creek bridge, which is the little creek that shoots off the Toogoodoo Creek, and with the road's S-curve by the creek, it looks different with every turn, tide and season change. It's one of my favorite places to do some "drive by shootings" with my phone out the car window.
This is my start to this painting. Scary!
March 24, Swinton Creek Greens
Saturday March 24 was the reception for the
Charleston Artist Guild's Extraordinary Arts Program, one of our
community outreach projects. The Guild showcases the artwork of children with disablities from schools in the Charleston and try-county area. Click here for more images and information about this program. The children and their art is adorable!