Sunday, September 15, 2019

Summer Breezes

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As Facebook took over the social media world, I and many other artists I know turned to posting on FB instead of our art blogs. I've decided that it is time to revive the blog and not rely on the uncertainty of FB posts reaching our audience. Will I delete my FB page? Not sure yet...

Oil on linen panel
8 x 10

We recently returned from a spring and summer trip to Florida and to the Abacos, Bahamas where I gathered tons of photo references and also painted on site. 
As you all know, the Abacos was recently destroyed with many lives lost by Hurricane Dorian. We hope and pray that the islands and most of all that the people will recover and be able to move forward. 

This little day sailer was kept at anchor just off the beach of Manjack Cay by the owners that live there. As you can see, I changed the sail cover colors to the actual sail colors to enhance the painting.

We have no idea if this little boat was saved or how Manjack fared as it was hit pretty straight on. 
Our thoughts and prayers to all the people of the Abacos as they recover from this storm. 

While we were there, they took the boat with some friends one Friday evening and had fun touring the little harbor where several cruisers were anchored for the night as we were. They had fun sailing around and saying hello and "argh!" with their best pirate voice! 


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